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Planned Parenthood

The Russell Amendment would let some bosses fire people for being LGBT, using birth control, or being pregnant and unmarried. You could be refused a job interview based on religious beliefs.

Stephen Bannon with a headset and mic

Southern Poverty Law Center

Sign the SPLC's petition to say Trump must rescind his appointment of Bannon, a white nationalist whose paper is responsible for these discriminatory headlines.

iPhone app screenshot with restroom map markers

Refuge is a website and app that provides safe restroom access for transgender, intersex, and gender nonconforming individuals. Help add some to the list.

United States Senate logo

Phone calls are often more effective than emails and tweets. Mary Beth Williams wrote a sample script you can use. Also, ask them to publicly condemn the appointment of Steve Bannon.

SPLC Hatewatch

The Southern Poverty Law Center monitors hate groups in the US and exposes their activities to the public. @ShaunKing is also reporting incidents hourly on twitter.

The words 'See You in Court' next to Trump's scowling face

Flickr/Gage Skidmore

The ACLU promises to "fight like hell to protect the Constitution and defend freedom." You can sign their petition, donate, or both.